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Top 12 Health Benefits Of Owning A Massage Chair

    These health benefits are the reasons why we all need a massage chair in the comforts of our home and business: 

    1. Reduces stress and anxiety
    2. Relieves pain from sore and tight muscles
    3. Improves chronic pain  
    4. Better sleep
    5. Promotes better circulation and removes toxins in lymph
    6. Lowers blood pressure
    7. Decreases muscle tension and improves flexibility
    8. Speeds up post-workout muscle recovery
    9. Boosts immune system 
    10. Decreases headaches
    11. Saves you money and time 
    12. Improves posture


    1.Reduces stress and anxiety:
    Life can be stressful, whether it's family, your chosen career, or just generalized anxiety, massage is the best proven nonprescription way to reduce your anxiety. Studies have found that massage helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol, increases the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, and induces mood-enhancing properties. In a study done on nurses, the group that was given 25 min massage therapy sessions, twice a week for 4 weeks had a significant improvement in their stress level. This group reported having lower levels of anxiety, sleep disturbances, had decreased blood pressure, and decreased heart rates. Just imagine if these nurses had a massage chair in the comforts of their own home and able to have a massage every day after work, how much more their stress would decrease and their quality of life would increase. | Source 1, Source 2

    2.Relieves pain from sore and tight muscles:
    A more obvious benefit to massage is relieving sore and tight muscles. We all know how good it feels to get a quick shoulder massage from a friend, coworker, or spouse. Multiply that feeling by 1,000 and now imagine what a massage chair that covers all of your overworked muscles in your body would feel like. Yes, heavenly. Exactly what you need in your life. 


    3. Improves chronic pain:
    Chronic pain sufferers around the world know what it is like to have constant lingering pain even though they have taken all their required medicine. When a serious flare-up happens relief can be hard to find. Many studies have found that massage significantly reduces pain for patients with: chronic pain, migraine headaches, premenstrual syndrome, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, Parkinson's, cancer patients, carpal tunnel syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. This is a huge range of chronic pain conditions that massage therapy has been proven to make a significant difference in these patients' lives. If you suffer from a chronic pain condition, a massage chair is something you should sincerely consider purchasing. | Source |


    4.Better sleep:
    Massage increases the release of the feel-good hormones serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine. It also decreases the stress hormone cortisol. Serotonin is the biggest player when it comes to sleep. It helps to relax, gives you a sense of well-being and calm. This allows you to achieve deep restorative sleep so that when you wake you feel fully refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

    5.Promotes better circulation and removes toxins in lymph:
    Lymph fluid build-up causes inflammation and disease if left untreated for a long period of time. It is toxic to the body if it is not drained for an extended time. It can cause swelling and pain. Most people notice lymph fluid build-up in the ankles and feet. Massage pushes and moves these toxins. Creating better circulation in the body, now allowing the body to reabsorb and get rid of these toxins more easily. Most massage chairs also have the zero gravity feature which can help assist in draining the built-up fluid. Ultimately, relieving pain and reducing inflammation.



    6.Lowers blood pressure:
    One of the major causes of cardiovascular disease in the world is caused by the large prevalence of hypertension. Some people don't even find out they have high blood pressure until they have had a heart attack or stroke. This being said if you know you already have high blood pressure or are prehypertensive, massage can assist in lowering your blood pressure. Massage therapy promotes the release of endorphin hormones. This hormone causes your blood vessels and muscle fibers to relax, your heart rate to slow down and in turn, drops your blood pressure. In a study done on prehypertensive men and women, there was a significant drop in test subjects blood pressures. These effects lasted for 72 hours after their last massage, proving that massage can be an effective nonpharmacological treatment and can complement the management of your hypertension. | Source 1, Source 2 |


    7.Decreases muscle tension and improves flexibility:
    Overused muscle fibers tighten and build up causing tension and pain. Massage helps break up these tightly wound muscle fibers allowing you to stretch and relax those muscles. Many massage chairs additionally have built-in stretch programs. These built-in programs were created with chiropractors and physical therapist input to maximize benefits and improve user flexibility.


    8.Speeds up post-workout muscle recovery:
    You're finally going to the gym but now every muscle in your body is sore. That soreness is caused by an awful buildup of lactic acid. One of the best and quickest ways to get rid of this painful feeling is through massage. Massage dilates your blood vessels which promote the removal of the lactic acid buildup. It stimulates phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, and other nutrients to repair damaged muscles and tissues. So you can get back to the gym quicker, for more self-improvement.


    9.Boosts immune system: 
    Massage decreases the stress hormone cortisol which has negative effects on the immune system. Cortisol increases when you are stressed which is why when you are extremely stressed out prior to a major life event or a big presentation at work you tend to get sick afterward. Pay close attention to this the next time you have a major stressor in your life. Massage on the other hand can help manage this stress and decreases this anxiety-causing hormone. Massage goes one step further in boosting your immune system. In a study done on massage and its effects on the immune system, after a 45min massage, there was a significant increase in lymphocytes ( white blood cells) which play a large role in defending the body against diseases. | Source |


    10.Decreases headaches:
    Massage therapy can provide relief for vascular and tension headaches. Some massage chairs come equipped with head airbags helping to target this area. Stress can exacerbate a headache and massage helps you relax. Massage eases muscle tension, relieves shortened muscles as well as relaxes tense muscles in the head, neck, and shoulders. All of which helps to alleviate headaches. | Source |


    11.Saves you money and time:
    Investing in a massage chair will save you a lot of money. Yes, initially it can be a large sum of money. There are always financing options available when buying one, but in the end, it saves you a fortune. Going to a masseuse regularly can cost quite a lot of money and uses up your free time by having to drive to the location. After forking out money for the massage you also have additional expenses like tip and gas money depending on how far their office is. Because of the amount of money it costs most people don't go as often as they probably should to fully benefit their health. Owning a massage chair means being able to have a massage daily at the most convenient time for you. Owning a massage chair means that the whole family can enjoy the health benefits of massage. Just imagine how large the bill would be if you took your whole family, daily to a masseuse, and oh yeah don't forget the tip. The benefits of owning your own massage chair far outweigh going to a masseuse a few times a week. It's an investment into your health that saves you money and time. Call or message us and one of our massage chair experts can help you find a massage chair that fits your needs and your budget.


    12.Improves posture:
    Massage can loosen tension in sore muscles caused by poor posture. Poor posture can result in pain, joint compression, and headaches. Consistent massage will help loosen and relax these tense muscles which will allow your body to slowly adjust itself to its natural pain-free alignment. View our source to find out what muscles to target with your massage chair depending on the type of posture you have. | Source |


    Check out our state-of-the-art massage chairs and speak to an expert today to help you choose the best massage chair for your needs!